your home away from home

Getting around Maastricht

Cycling is the preferred mode of transport in Maastricht but there are also several means of public transport that you can use to get around the city. Below you will find an overview of the main options you have for getting around Maastricht and the Netherlands, along with suggestions for websites that contain useful information on this topic.

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

We highly recommend renting a bike during your time abroad. It’s one of the best ways to integrate into Dutch life, explore with ease and make it to class on time! You can even pick one up second-hand via the facebook group Buy / Sell a bike in Maastricht or Student Bike Maastricht .


Specific regulations for Maastricht

In the city centre you are only permitted to park your bicycle in the provided racks or in one of the (supervised) bicycle parking facilities. Across from the central train station, you will find an underground bicycle parking facility. If you park your bicycle anywhere else there is a risk that it will be removed and confiscated. If you want to check whether your bicycle is confiscated you can call the Municipality of Maastricht . Also please note that it is not allowed to cycle in the pedestrian/shopping area in the city centre while shops are open.


Maastricht is well connected to the rest of the Netherlands with trains running from very early morning (around 5:00 a.m.) to late at night (1:00 a.m.). If you would like to visit different cities in the Netherlands during your time abroad, taking a train is definitely the most comfortable and fastest way to get around. On the train you have a choice of carriages: first or second class, which is indicated with a large 1 or 2 painted on the outside of each wagon. First class costs more and gives you a slightly larger seat in a compartment that is less likely to be full. Smoking is not allowed on any train, and is also prohibited in the station and on the platforms (although there are special zones on the platform where smoking is permitted; these zones are indicated by a tall pillar, containing ash trays and the words “rookzone”. Anyone caught smoking outside these zones will get a heavy fine).


Arriva provides the public bus transport in Maastricht. The buses from De Lijn and TEC can also be used to travel to and from Belgium. You can find all of the timetables and a journey planner on Arriva’s website .

For more information about public transport around Maastricht and the Netherlands please visit: .

Journey planners

We advise you to have a look at this journey planner , which will help you plan your public transport throughout the Netherlands. You can also use the journey planner of the Dutch Railways .

OV-chip card

You need an OV-chip card in order to use the public transport system in the Netherlands. There are personal, anonymous, and disposable cards. Disposable cards can be purchased at vending machines at the train station, anonymous cards at the ticket office or vending machines at the train station, and personal cards can be purchased online . You can charge your OV-chip card with cash or a bank card at a charging point. These are located at train stations and in shops such as Primera and Albert Heijn.